'Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Daring-Dames-TV-Page/190952237615718 Part Two: http://youtu.be/Z-0QJXZG-ho  Daring Dames TV hostess Holland Baxley aka \"Hollywood Holland\" explores Pole Dance as a method for physical training and fitness as she interviews Nicole Williams, entrepreneur and fitness trainer who dared to explore her own femininity through pole dancing and from it established a business from something she loves to do.' 

Tags: Women , girls , fitness , Workout , ENTERTAINMENT , sexy , gym , healthy , exercise , loss , weight , lose , Health , bodybuilding , Dance , men , body , muscle , muscles , personal , strength , trainer , fun , video , training , Interviews , work , tone , activity , SPORT , Gymnastics , total body , interview , female , TV , exclusive , Bodybuilder , studio , out , Daring , information , dancing , ONE , dancer , flex , competition , stamina , olympics , part , questions , allure , erotic , ED , stripper , answers , pole , Magik , dames , x-pole , Wprkout , Hollywood Holland , Holland Baxley

See also: full day of eating , jump rope , meal plan , Bench , best barre class , tone , low impact , entertaining , fitness first , christian guzman
