'Men this is a great Shoulders & Arms Workout that is sure to pump you up! This workout may take you a little longer than my other workouts, but once you get into a rhythm, it should take about 45 minutes to complete and leave you feeling jacked! After warming up the body properly, you\'re going to perform each exercise to failure using moderately heavy weight. You want to be able to perform at least 10 reps in each exercise and with some of them you are focusing on time under tension performing the eccentric movements slowly. Start with your shoulder muscles first followed by triceps and ending with biceps. The exercises shown are: 1. Seated Shoulder Press (Machine) 2. Standing Cable Upright Rows (EZ Curl Bar) 3. Standing Dumbbell Bent Arm Front Raises aka Wolverine Slashers 4. Standing Barbell Military Overhead Press (Smith Machine) 5. Lying EZ Curl Bar Skull Crushers to Close Grip Presses 6. Single Arm Behind the Neck Cable Rope Triceps Extensions 7. Triceps Dips 8. Single Arm Biceps Cable Rope Curls (Cross Body & Hammer) 9. Seated Dumbbell Biceps Complex Curls 10. Standing EZ Bar Biceps Curls Drop Set Connect with Joe on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/josephmporretta Email Joe: joe@hisandhershealthandfitness.com Get your FREE Triple Threat Workout for Busy Dads here: https://hisandhershealthandfitness.lpages.co/free-triple-threat-workout/'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , Health , nutrition , training , personaltrainer
See also: �hiit , crossfit , female motivation , 30 day yoga , Wil , strength , muscles , six , 芭蕾 , review