'Today I will take you through a 5 minute plank workout you can do at home every day just follow along with me.  It will be all exercises 30 sec long and some 15 sec rest in between this workout will help your core and abs get stronger abs help lose some fat and weight. #Plank #5minuteworkout  Other workouts you may like-  follow along stretching routine - https://youtu.be/xcGXYqVIXcE Home abs workout- https://youtu.be/fsNzr7pDq5w  IF you want any personalized workouts ,for just $5 contact me at carsonteagardenbusiness@gmail.com  My Clothing Brand- https://purestrengthgear.bigcartel.com/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/carsonteagarden/?hl=en  all music non copyright sound  5 min Plank workout you can do at home everyday with no equipment no weights needed for this follow along workout to help get you a six pack and abs and core in just 5 minutes you will see yourself burning fat loseing weight and getting shredded abs all in your home. This will help everyday so keep doing this every day for the best results.' 

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