'In this episode of Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC, Arthur decides to ride into the nearby town of Valentine. On the way he discovers his good friend Uncle has a deadly case of lumbago, truly a scary illness to have for anyone. After this they get to town and take a look at the general store, where Arthur decides to get the coolest clothes in town. Right after this he rescues a couple of girls in his gang, after this he chases a guy who remembers his face and scares him so that he doesn\'t squeal to the cops.'
Tags: winter , gaming , walkthrough , let's play , western , cold , indians , spaghetti western , Cowboys , old west , Red Dead Redemption 2 , john Marston , arthur Morgan , Red Dead Redemption , RDR , inferno , RDR 2 , Red Dead Redemption II , micah bell , dutch van der linde , sadie adler , Rdr II , Winter Inferno
See also: �how , arbeitsplatz , rdr2 outfits for arthur , être , poledance , juicyjas , mi , sub , indian army , barre workout