'LIVE BOX SWEAT (BOXING HIIT & DBs) / Workout With Shabz // 04.02.21'

'▫️ Follow me on Instagram - https://instagram.com/shoaibazamfitness ▫️Tag me into the workout on Instagram - ROUND 1  

Tags: fitness , abs , motivation , exercise , workouts , core , strength , calories , hiit , weightloss , wellbeing , sweat , fit , personaltrainer , burn , hiitworkout , homeworkouts , dumbbells , Endure , boxing , positivity , ali , gg , fitnessmotivation , box , Boxfit , WorkoutFromHome , joewicks , tyson , boxingworkout , Bodycoach , fitinspo , trib3 , liveworkouts , quranatineworkouts , pmafitness , georgegrayson , bxfgym , 1000reps

See also: boxing , �hiit � , 28 , workouts for women , Recipes , shopping spree , 4K , trending , let , �hiit

