'Day 3 - 4 Min Daily Advent Calendar Workouts - Smithy\'s Fitness Here is my daily advent calendar workout and they’re all four minutes long and I’ve modified it for low impact no jumping and an advanced version so you get to pick your own level of fitness. If you want to repeat the circuit feel free to repeat it as many times as possible. Each exercise will be 20 seconds of work with a 10 second rest for a total of four minutes. In today’s workout we are doing star jumps and ladder climbs 
Tags: home workout , at home workout , workout challenge , at home workouts , home workout for beginners , home workout plan , at home workout plan , workout calendar , monthly workout plan at home , home workout month plan , calendar workout , 1 month workout plan , monthly workout plan , january workout calendar , calendar workout plan , advent calendar workout , 24 day workout challenge , 4 Min Daily Advent Calendar Workouts , 4 min daily advent calendar workouts day 3 , 4 minute advent workout
See also: Dusherra , total body barre , sub , fitness girl , under , workout � , burn belly fat , america , diners drive ins and dives , low impact