'His & Hers Health & Fitness 21 Day Blast Workout 3'

'Workout 3, 6, and 9 of the 9 workouts during the 21 Day Blast  20 Station Circuit Training 30’ – 1’ per station 30” rest between;   Alternating between strength and cardio; if training at home, you can do outdoors in driveway or park; if doing inside, then do your running stationary; Change up your cardio exercises as you see fit.  I included the exercises for both inside a gym and at home.  1. Squat Thrusters    DBs on shoulders, squat down & thrust overhead on way up 2. Suicide Runs     Run in place if doing from home with limited space 3. Incline DB Chest Press                          DB Floor Press 4. Suicide Runs 5. Incline DB Chest Fly                           DB Floor Fly 6. Suicide Runs 7. Seated Bench DB Curl to Press           Kneeling or Standing DB Curl to Overhead Press 8. Suicide Runs 9. Cybex Cable Lat Pull Downs           Superman Lat Pulls if doing from home 10. Suicide Runs 11. Cybex Cable Seated Rows (EZ Curl Bar)         DB Bent Over Rows if doing from home 12. Walking Lunge with Back Leg Lift          Alternating Lunges w/Back Leg Lift 13. Cybex Triceps Pushdown (Straight Bar)  Standing Single DB Overhead Triceps Extension 14. Walking Lunge with Back Leg Lift 15. Cybex Biceps Curl (Rope)                   Standing DB Curls 16. Walking Lunge with Back Leg Lift 17. Pec Deck Flyes                            DB Floor Press Crush Grip/Close Grip 18. Walking Lunge with Back Leg Lift 19. Battle Ropes                             Burpees or DB Swings 20. Walking Lunge with Back Leg Lift  Connect with me [email protected]' 

See also: best barre class , folge , mc , Fitness vlog , workout music mix , shoulders , transformation , upper body workout , mens fashion , gain muscle

