'His & Hers Health & Fitness HIIT Workout 9'

'Full Body ABAB 40/20 timing 6 Blocks  Block 1 A.  DB Squat to Alternating Reverse Lunge B.  Prisoner Up/Downs  Block 2 A.  DB Chest Press Complex B.  High Low MC\'s  Block 3 A.  DB Renegade Rows B.  DB Tall Kneeling Push Out Press  Block 4 A.  DB Standing Shoulder Front Press to Side Press B.  Out & In Jumping Jacks  Block 5 A.  Single DB Half Kneeling Triceps Extension B.  3 Skater Jumps to Knee Drive  Block 6 A.  DB Alternating Curls  B.  Squat Jumps  Burnout 10x10x10 Hacky Sacks to Burpees to Crunches  Email me at [email protected]' 

See also: �chest , rdr2 pc , �core , Advance workout , gym motivation , men , fitness tips , hiit , balance , routine

