'Hi loves!! This week I am bringing you a very special BARRE style workout!!! This workout targets the thighs and leg muscles and will help to tone, lengthen and develop lean, slim legs. You guys are going to have SO MUCH FUN doing this workout with me!! Make sure to grab a very sturdy chair or use a bench top for your barre. Remember that we want to use our \"barre\" to help us balance, and not to support our body weight - we want to let our leg muscles and core do the work!! This short workout gives you a taste of classes we do in the BBFIT App. The app gives you access to over 150 workouts, including quick workouts (like this one), longer more complete classes and special programs to target different goals (e.g. fat burning, waist slimming, booty toning programs)!!! To start your FREE TRIAL and get access to the 7 DAY ABS + WAIST PROGRAM + all other BBFIT classes, download the BBFIT App today: Download the app for iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bbfit-studio/id1500794429?ls=1 Download the app for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bbfit Website app: http://www.bbfit.co/browse To stay up to date, follow me on Instagram: Me: https://www.instagram.com/baileybrwn/ BBFIT: https://www.instagram.com/bbfit.co/'
See also: Fitness Training , women s fitness , Fitness vlog , transformation , Sportbund , Women , movie , PlayStation 4 , gesundheit , community