'Hey you guys! Welcome back! Coach Tamer here. Today I have another exciting workout for you from our tame life fitness program. Today\'s workout is called the Pokemon Party! Where I’ll be sharing with you a handful of fun exercises from the Pokemon story! Before we get started to make sure you are ready! Have a yoga mat or comfortable space where you can move and do your exercise today. For our Pokemon Party workout one, we’ve compiled a collection of fun Pokemon to come together and share fun fitness exercises with each other. Let\'s think about all the fun exercises we learned today. Who was your favorite Pokemon from our workout party today? Rest and reflect on all the great exercise you did today! For our final section, let\'s think about who your favorite character is today. Who were you today when you were doing your Pokemon workout? Now thank you for your exercise. Take a big breath in, and as you exhale to relax. Alright, you guys, very good job during our pokemon party workout one with coach tamer! Today we learned a handful of fun cardio, strengthening, and core exercises for you to stay happy and healthy as you learn fun ways to get physically active! For this and more, make sure you check out our next Tame Life Fitness For Kids workout by Coach Tamer. Don’t forget to like, follow, share, and subscribe and we look forward to seeing you in our next video! See you soon! Explore more programs at: www.tamelife.net'
Tags: fitness , video , YouTube , education , english , chinese , homeworkouts , today , kidsfitness , tamelife , tamelifekids , pokemontheme , onlineprograms
See also: shopping spree , ross no budget shopping spree , aerobic , footballers , 攝影 , vegan meal prep , 2020 , diner s drive ins and dives , meditation , before and after