'••• WEB PAGE - http://www.bannermaf.com ••• FACEBOOK -  https://www.facebook.com/bannermaf Our goal is to build our students from the inside out.This means that our first goal is to build confidence, self-discipline and self-esteem. We train our junior students (ages 6 -12) to use common sense before using his or her skills for self-defence. Self-control is a main aspect of the course for this age group. We stress the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The martial arts build strong bodies and strong values. We can help parents develop children who value honesty, courtesy, respect for authority and the ability to say \"no\" to unhealthy peer pressure.' 

Tags: kids fitness , Martial Arts , children , taekwondo , Ennis , Clare , bannermaf

See also: workout for kids , poledance , yo , rdr2 pc , army फ़िज़िकल अकैडम� , Female Fitness Model , what to wear , thigh workout , Garba , fitness challenge
