'SF CARNAVAL PARADE! MEMORIAL WEEKEND 5.29.16   JOUVERT - JUNETEENTH JUMPOFF 5:30AM-8:AM CARNAVAL PROGRESSION 9AM~2PM hosted by Diaspora Fitness Mas Band (www.dfitoaktown.com)  We love you, Don Andre! Keep it hot! :)   Shout to to One Island Body Paint Mas Band and their video production crew (see credits and links on the video mix).   REGGAE, AFROBEAT, SOCA, OLD SKOOL HIP HOP   www.dfitoaktown.com dfit.oaktown@gmail.com Diaspora Fitness located in SF Bay Area, California' 

Tags: Party , afrobeat , oakland , hip hop , tom cruise , SAN FRANCISCO , mardi gras , Bay Area , reggae , carnaval , carnival , soca , dancehall , african diaspora , ray ban , reggae dancehall , bacchanal , diaspora fitness , carnavalsf , cultural events , i think im tom cruise , don andre , OLD SKOOL HIP HOP , carnaval san francisco

See also: low impact , ENTERTAINMENT , kids workout , e Pilates , Bikini fitness , ch , fitness model , at home workout , meal prep recipes , amazing
