'Outfit info/ informacion de los trajes: https://www.ign.com/wikis/red-dead-redemption-2/Exclusive_Outfits Online store/ tienda online: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/rdr2/catalogue/categories/clothing  Timelapse/linea temporal: 0:00 The gunslinger 0:05 The summer gunslinger 0:10 The winter gunslinger 0:15 The nuevo paraiso (special edition/edicion especial) 0:20 The grizzlies outlaw 0:20 Brawler Outfit 0:25 The ruffian 0:30 The rebel 0:35 The innocent 0:40 The pursuer 0:45 The legend of the east (complete all the challenges/completar los desafios) 0:50 The chevalier  0:55 The heartlands 01:00 The gambler (black fancy pants/ pantalones elegantes negros) 01:05 The earl 01:10 The McLaughlin 01:15 The josiah 01:20 The farrier (fully black jacket/ chaqueta completamente negra) 01:25 The donegal 01:30 The bulldogger (striped vest/chaleco a rallas) 01:35 The ranch hand 01:40 The scrapper 01:45 The armadillo 01:50 The valentine 01:55 The vaquero 02:00 The dewberry creek 02:05 The clairmont 02:10 The roscoe 02:15 The estate boss 02:20 The drover (black & red jacket/ chaqueta negra con rojo) 02:25 The calumet 02:30 The cowpuncher 02:35 The tumbleweed 02:40 The drifter 02:45 The leatherman 02:50 The cumberland (grey vest/chaleco gris) 02:55 The millesani 03:00 The faulkton 03:05 The dolton 03:10 The corson 03:15 The saint denis 03:20 The deauville 03:25 The bretagne 03:30 The winter cowboy (epilogue/epilogo) 03:35 The cowboy (epilogue/epilogo) 03:40 The cowhand (epilogue/epilogo) 03:45 The homesteader (epilogue/epilogo) 03:50 The rancher (epilogue/epilogo)' 

Tags: Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4share , Red Dead Redemption 2

See also: flexing , xbox , men �s fashion , Easy recipe , lose weight , 5 Family , mc , aerobic , �all , beginners yoga
