'I was crowned Miss Fashion Week UK Teen last September and then represented UK in Miss Fashion Week International in Dallas, Texas, USA where I was crowned 2nd runner up.   #MissFashionWeek #BeautyQueenn #TitleHolder #IwearBragais #RoyaltysUK  Lets be friends on Instagram ➡️  https://www.instagram.com/missfashionweekukteenfrancesca  Want to connect on Facebook, join my Page ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/MissFashionWeekUKTeen2020.Francesca/  Pleas Subscribe on my You Tube channel  ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/FabulousFrancesca   Follow me on Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/Fab_Francesca/   For inquiries / collaborations / jobs, email me at francesca25sanjuan@yahoo.co.uk' 

Tags: fashion , Couture , catwalk , runway , beautiful , kids , filipina , new york fashion week , dress , milan fashion week , dubai fashion week , Filipino , pretty , Kids Fashion , LONDON FASHION WEEK , pinay , Gown , children fashion , Colourful , kids runway , kids catwalk , Francesca , kids couture , british asian , Raise Your Flag , Bragais , children couture , children runway , children catwalk , Fabulous Francesca , Catwalk Princess , Miss Fashion Week UK Teen , british Filipina

See also: Healthy Food , dancing , detlef soost abnehmen , television , Women , �exercise , homeworkout , marc , at home , cardio workout
