'“A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession” – Hippocrates It’s no mystery that taking care of your physical well-being is extremely important to your health and happiness. Yet, the average American leads a busy stressed-out life which puts health and wellness on the back burner. Health and fitness are about more than the way you look, the food you eat, or the weight you lift at the gym. They’re about: * the way you feel. * your quality of life. * the focus you have at work. * your ability to move. * your psychological state. When you’re truly healthy, you are in a better mood and can physically do more. You can do things like walking your dog, going hiking, or paddleboarding. Not being able to do these things can drastically impact your experiences and limit your quality of life.'
See also: SALE , cap , shape , Positivity और fitness के ब� च का लिंक , 24 , pole dancing , shoulders , female bodybuilding , ballet fitness , Calorie burn