'Find out how to perform Pause Squats with DBs and KBs with online personal trainer Kyra Williams Fitness and add them to your next leg day workout. Learn more leg exercises like this and get them in your daily workouts by joining KyraWilliamsFitness.com. Add dumbbell or kettlebell pause squats to your leg day workout routine for the best leg workout ever. Kyra is a self employed, NASM certified online personal trainer and nutrition expert, specializing in women\'s fat loss. She is also a CrossFit Level Two Trainer, USA Weightlifting and USA Powerlifting Coach and has helped women all over the world through her online training services and training programs. Join online personal training with Kyra and get daily workouts that include exercises like this to help you build muscle and lose fat at KyraWilliamsFitness.com/signup Connect with Kyra here- www.facebook.com/kyrawilliamsfitness https://instagram.com/kyrawilliamsfitness Hey guys it\'s Kyra from Kyrawilliamsfitness.com and today we are going to do pause squats with dumbbells and kettlebells. We want to begin with our feet under our hips and our toes pointing slightly out so that way we can get into the bottom of a squat with feet flat on the floor. We will begin by bringing our weights up to our shoulders initiate by pushing the hips back coming all the way down into the bottom of the squat not. So we\'re down here all the way sunk down. We do want to be active in the bottom of our squat and we\'re going to hang out, keep our chest upright, our feet flat on the floor, core engaged. Come back up to stand, squeeze the quads, squeeze the glutes. We will do the same thing with kettlebells we will just have our elbows up a little higher to support the kettlebells on the back of our arms. We will again initiate by pushing the hips back come down into the bottom of the squat staying active, hanging out. Make sure you\'re breathing. Keep your feet flat as you come up to stand chest stays upright.'
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