'想著貼身衫但驚Bye Bye肉現形?宜家就教你5招簡單動作,極速擊退手臂Bye Bye肉!Bicep curl係最普遍嘅二頭肌鍛煉,而想運動到三頭肌外側同内側,就可以試吓Overhead Triceps Extension,快啲睇片啦!⠀ ⠀⠀ Want to wear that close-fitting new shirt but worried about showing your bingo wings? Take a look at these 5 simple moves! The biceps curl is the most common biceps exercise, and if you want to exercise the outside of the triceps too, you can try the Overhead Triceps Extension. Check out the video now!⠀'
Tags: Workout , exercise , bingowings , FitnessFirstHK , GyminHongKong , PT101 ⠀
See also: fashion show , RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 Gameplay , Gymnastics , strong by zumba , 女人 , house � , perder peso , sing , 健身教練 , amber scholl