'【PT101 - Med Ball】'

'【PT101 - Med Ball】 日日去Gym,但你真係識用Gym入面嘅器械?嚟緊PT101呢個系列就會打救一眾健身室初哥,由我哋嘅健身教練教你玩各種器械,唔洗淨係玩跑步機啦!打頭炮嘅就係呢粒又圓又有「份量」嘅球體,其實佢叫Medicine Ball (Med Ball),想知道點玩?即睇教練Dorian嘅示範啦!  Do you really know how to fully utilize all facilities in the Gym? Our upcoming PT101 programme will help all gym beginners to kick start! Our personal trainers will guide you how to use different fitness equipments in Gym, try more other than treadmill machines next time! For the first video, we will introduce this ponderable ball-shaped equipment - Medicine Ball (Med Ball). Would like to learn how to apply it to your workout? Check out the demonstration by our personal trainer Dorian!' 

Tags: #Workout , #FitnessFirstHK , #GymInHongKong , #medicineball , #Medball

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