'Come and learn about nutrition myths, trends, and habits, and ways to incorporate better nutrition into your lifestyle. If you\'re re-examining your health habits this new year, or if you have always wondered about a new diet trend but haven\'t had the chance to ask an expert about it, here\'s your chance! This is a great opportunity to connect and learn together over Zoom! This Nutrition Q&A will be an interactive and informative formative session featuring Meg Stickl, Older Adult Fitness Expert from AIM Fitness, along with special guest Tammy Cooper, Registered Dietitian and certified diabetes educator. Tammy has 20 years of experience working in diabetes, pediatrics. Tammy now works with clients for personalized nutrition consulting in private practice. Her personal philosophy embraces the holistic approach of food activity and lifestyle balance. Ottawa Branch Disclaimer: The Ottawa Branch provides information on issues, products and services of general interest to our membership. It does not endorse a particular position or a product or service, as being suitable for individual members, but brings them to the members\' attention so that they can make up their own minds. This webinar took place on March 10 2022 #NAFR #NAFROttawa'
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