'2 Fantastic Figure Fitness juniors at the nationals in Sweden 2021. The fact that there are only 2 competitors is lifted by the good quality in those two. Really good job being able to add that kind of musclemass in such a young age. The competitors in this Fitness Figure Class  are :  156 Lisa Andersson Arisen By JS, Jönköping  157 Julia Nyqvist Strong By Fitness, Lidköping   These videos are recorded by us at Nordic Fitness Magazine and split up into classes. Not all classes are posted and to see the whole show we recomend you visiting Nordic Fitness Events for Live shows from all of the Nordic Countries on certain dates and you can also watch all shows afterwords.  You can visit here ➡︎ https://www.nordicfitnessevents.com  Please support by visiting www.robin4life.info to view Galleries and Personal Athlete videos   This is a Nordic Fitness Magazine, \"a part of Robin4life Productions\" production. You can visit  my website at http://www.robin4life.se and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/robin4life_productions/   And please support by subscribing to my channel  Music is often changed from competitions due to Royalty Rights  Videos is also brought to you by BBC NUTRITION https://www.brovertzbc.se  #figure#fitness#bodyfitness' 

Tags: gym motivation , bodybuilding , personal trainer , bodybuilding motivation , fitness motivation , workout motivation , figure , fitness competition , Fitness Classes , aesthetic fitness motivation , how to train abs , bodybuilding competition , how to train , group workouts , fitness and health , bodyfitness , local gym , men`s health , woman`s health , junior fitness , figure fitness , nordic fitness , bodyfitness competition , bodyfitness sm , figure fitness competition , figure juniors

See also: 2020 , guide � , barre workout challenge , YouTube shorts , 摄影 , incr , �kids , home fitness , booty workout , body building
