'We\'re going back to the basics about what body positive wellness is, isn\'t, and how to make it fit your lifestyle. We created this video for a Wellness Fair for Westminster Schools High Schoolers to help them cope with less movement during pandemic times, but also believe the video has real value for overall wellness of anyone at any stage of finding a happy relationship with movement, body image, and themselves. Always remember, you are enough! General Email List http://eepurl.com/go_uev Twitter https://twitter.com/claritydecatur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ClarityDecatur/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/claritydecatur/'
Tags: fitness , healthy , exercise , eating , lose weight , body positive , training , inspiration , balance , atlanta , online , online coach , disorder , clarity , coach , online trainer , Recovery , Abbey , atlanta fitness , eating disorder recovery , Griffith , body positive fitness , Abbey Griffith , abbeygrif.fit , balanced fitness , clarity fitness , clarity decatur , size inclusive gym , body positive gym
See also: �back , hiit , workouts for women , workout class , shopping spree , class fitsugar , RDR , Posing , 2021 , 2016