'#atasm #allthatandsomemore #BoosieBadazz Boosie Badazz faced controversy this week when he went on a rant after being kicked out a Planet fitness Gym because of his social Media Post. The addressed Dwyane Wade and his trans daughter Zaya ... \"Dwyane Wade, you gone too f***ing far, dawg,\". Don\'t cut his dick off, bruh.\" After The Planet Fitness Entry denial this is what Boosie had to say... \"Do not go to Planet Fitness, they racist, they haters. They just put me out Planet Fitness for what I said about Dwyane Wade son,\" Boosie said in the video filmed from his car. \"And they said I said in a video one of they employees was f****ts or some s**t. ... They got roaches in that bitch.\" With the Caption : \"Manager who was gay refused to let me n Planet Fitness because of my past actions on social media about gender etc.,\" \"They racist, they have roaches, n they shower water don\'t get hot !! Get out ya feelings lil bitch... Bitch u want a gay child but don\'t nobody want to have a baby for yo sissy ass now u mad.\" Whats Y\'all thoughts?'
Tags: lgbtq+ , Boosie Badazz , boosie planet fitness , boosie badazz dwyane wade , boosie ig live , lil boosie , Boosie Rant , boosie dwyane wade , #atasmm , #allthatandsomemoremedia , All that and Some More , boosie on dwayne wade , boosie and dwyane wade , LGBTQ+ Boosie
See also: community , working out , bulking , television , Olympia , squats , gain muscle , physical fitness , health tips , protein