'Whatever you wish to call it, ‘skinny to fit‘, ‘thin to muscular‘, ‘anorexic to healthy‘ \'fragile to fantastic\', \'bony to bombshell\' all show an equal amount of determination and dedication to a fitness lifestyle.  More so they show a mental fortitude that was willing to change and take the challenge. Maybe you\'re a women who struggles /struggled with anorexia or other eating disorders, but seek to overcome these issues and become stronger in body and mind, by gaining weight and muscle and becoming healthier in the process. Or maybe you  might be a naturally skinny women, who wants to add some muscle onto your body through a proper nutrition plan and fitness regiment. Or lastly maybe you might have whats considered by society to be a \"normal body\", at a \"normal weight\", but instead of slimming down, you want to change your body composition. by adding more muscle and loosing body fat to change how you look in the mirror and how you feel physically.' 

Tags: resistance bands , Vital Dynamics , VitalDynamics , VitalDynamics Fitness , Vital Dynamics Fitness , VitalDynamics Fitness Resistand Bands

See also: 4K , 28 , bulking , total body barre , MADHU S AIM FITNESS DANCE FLOOR , no equipment , Ava , try on haul , Narendra Modi , fashion week
