'Instant Recess (formerly Lift-Off!) 5-Minute Physical Activity Break for Meetings and Events This 5-minute group physical activity break has been developed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and UCLA\'s School of Public Health to encourage regular physical activity participation in the workplace. This fun, low-impact group activity, for use at meetings and events or with work groups, supports group participation with simple aerobic dance/calisthenic movements done to music and was specifically designed to accommodates all shapes, sizes and abilities and is appropriate for large or small groups. UC Berkeley Healthy Meetings and Events http://uhs.berkeley.edu/facstaff/healthmatters/healthymeetings.shtml UCLA School of Public Health Center to Eliminate Health Disparities (CEHD) has given permission to UC Berkeley to host this modified version of the full 30-minute video. http://www.ph.ucla.edu/staging/finalsite/centers.html This video is sponsored by University Health Services: Health*Matters, UC Berkeley\'s wellness program for faculty and staff. http://www.uhs.berkeley.edu/facstaff/healthmatters/index.shtml'
Tags: Health , university , services , uc , berkeley , ucberkeley
See also: photo , songs , 2022 , ballet fitness , �hiit � , female bodybuilding , tabata , Physical Education , cap , RDO