'This short and fun kids workout is perfect for kids who need to exercise at home! Follow along with Kala as she teaches kiddos how to jump, lunge and run! Playfit is a fun kids fitness program with home workouts for all ages. Coach Kala takes you on fun fitness adventures to inspire kids to exercise, while teaching the basics of fitness and body awareness through play. Follow us on Instagram for more kids workouts & nutrition tips: @Playfithq'
Tags: family , fitness , Workout , home workout , challenge , SPORTS , kids , fun , Gymnastics , Play , parents , home school , play time , stay at home , kids challenge , gymnastics for kids , home challenge , kids gymnastics , hollow hold , arch hold , gymnastics movement , learn gymnastics , home gymnastics
See also: Chicken , diät , beginners yoga , e Pilates , 23 , water jug fitness , working out , tanz , military , bench press