'Hello my loves! Today we are finally unpacking how to look feminine in CASUAL clothing! I know many of you prefer to wear casual clothing in everyday life, so I wanted to really dig into what it meant to look femininely casual. I hope this helps!    ♥ WHERE TO FIND ME Read my blog - https://www.mrsmidwest.com Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mrs.midwest/ Shop my life - https://www.mrsmidwest.com/shop Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/mrsmidwestblog/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/mrsmidwestblog  _________________________________  Thank you so much for watching. I post videos 2 times a week, but if you\'re hungry for more of this content, please check out my blog! I write 3 times a week, and always take time to discuss femininity, character growth, and of course... homemaking tips! Xoxo!' 

Tags: fashion , girly , style , clothing , casual , style advice , casual outfits , school outfits , clothing advice , feminine clothing , feminine casual

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