'How To Build A Lean Wardrobe with Casual Style - Barron Cuadro from effortlessgent'

'Click here to read the full interview with effortlessgent Barron Cuadro: https://gentl.mn/how-to-build-a-lean-wardrobe-barron-cuadro  Shortcuts to certain points in the video:  00:28 You started the Effortless Gent in 2009 when the blogosphere was sort of infancy like, how did you come up with the concept of it?  00:51 How did you come up with the name Effortless Gent?  01:15 If you were kind of in the classic realm of men’s wear, why would you come and read the Effortless Gent?  01:43 How would you say has the men’s blogosphere changed over the years?   02:48 What’s the next big push for you?  02:55 What is the the actual life of an Effortless Gent blogger look like?  03:35 What would you say is a regular day look like in the life of Barron Cuadro?  04:02 You have a very unique style I describe as a little more casual, you call it coastal casual. Tell us a little bit more about it.  04:57 How would you say that your style evolved over time, from when you started Twitter to today?  05:45 What were some of the more embarrassing style mistakes that you made along the way?  06:21 What does the lean wardrobe mean?   07:24 How do you work with your readers and with people, in which you mentioned one-on-one consulting, what avenues do you have?  07:51 Maximum number of pieces a man could have, to me that means having a lot of clothing. Can you elaborate a little bit more on what, how that works together?  08:35 What makes a great pair of denim for you?  09:58 Can you walk us through a typical core piece outfit of the lean wardrobe?  11:36 If people want to learn more about it, where would they go?  12:35 You live in San Francicsco and now you’re based out of New York. Stylistically, they are very different towns. How did that change your lean wardrobe?  13:41 What other style hallmarks would you say you have that make your style different and unique.   15:07 Quick questions and quick answers.  You can check out Effortless Gent here: https://effortlessgent.com/ #leanwardrobe #barroncuadro #notsponsored -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Popular videos:  How to accept a compliment - https://youtu.be/_EKXNmM1PUo 101 things that change when you dress up - https://youtu.be/JyGDd_iYaCI How to tie a Bow Tie - https://youtu.be/2I3cfa0BOOc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to stay updated? Sign up here for free: https://gentl.mn/2nTfDJv  Want to see more videos? Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/thegentlemansgazette --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gentleman\'s Gazette https://gentl.mn/2nZlYEi https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gentlemansgazette Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentlemansgazette FREE EBOOK: https://gentl.mn/2nTfDJv' 

Tags: how to , mens fashion , jeans , interview , mensfashion , denim , oxfords , capsule wardrobe , casual , Gentleman's Gazette , watches , Blazer , effortlessgent , casual style , chinos , barron cuadro , How to build a wardrobe , gentlemansgazette , lean wardrobe , coastal casual , build wardrobe

See also: fat � , 踢毽子 , 30 minute yoga , navy seal , red dead outfits , From , 30 day yoga , outfit , ENTERTAINMENT , kickboxing

