'Preview of the first 3D farming simulator for kids: \"Little Farmers - Tractor, Harvesters & Farm Animals\" by Fox & Sheep. ➔ App Download (iPad iPhone): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/little-farmers/id1002345611?mt=8&at=11l9Iy ❤ Thanks for watching! ➔ Subscribe our YouTube channel: http://goo.gl/rbLRlj ➔ Find more top apps for children: http://topbestappsforkids.com  App Description: In Little Farmers your kids can drive real 3D tractors, plow the fields, plant corn, wheat and sunflowers seeds and gather them with the big harvester! Your kids will be able to run a real farm and experience the life of a farmer with real 3D machines.  On the second farm you take care of pigs, chickens and cows. Make sure to feed them, give them with water and clean the stables.  Main attractions on your 2 farms:  • Drive the tractor • Plant wheat, corn and sunflowers seeds • Drive the big harvesters • Collect the harvest with the trailer and unload at the silo • Feed pigs, cows and chickens • Load and unload the water truck • Get sticker rewards for every task completed' 

Tags: for kids , Gameplay , iphone , iPad , Apps for Kids , educational apps , children apps , tractors , farming simulator , harvesters , little farm , little farmers

See also: 芭蕾舞 , work , Fitness Classes , marc , under , shop with me , movies , reaction , singt , Eat
