'Zen Dude Fitness & Crossrope 4 Week Jump Rope Challenge (Week 3 Day 4)'

'I\'m currently doing a 4 Week Jump Rope Challenge presented by Zen Dude Fitness & Crossrope.  Today is Week 3, Day 4.  Today\'s workout consists of 5 rounds of 8 exercises conducted for :30 seconds on and :10 seconds off with 1 minute rest breaks in between rounds.  My workout was filmed at City Creek Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.  1 Round consists of:  ​1.  High Knees 2.  Hand Over Pushups 3.  Squat Pulse 4.  Star Jumps 5.  Jump Rope - Boxer Skip 6.  Jump Rope - High Knees 7.  Jump Rope - Front Straddle 8.  Jump Rope - Side Straddle  Here\'s my 1st of 5 Rounds.  Have a blessed week!' 

Tags: pushups , circuit , zen dude fitness , JUMP ROPING , crossrope

See also: weight loss workout , new video , fit , perder peso , Gameplay , le , 202 , beginners yoga , �Lean , stay

