'【究竟GX Class - Hardcore 有乜玩?】 唔少人都有一個疑問,究竟GX Class - Hardcore 玩D乜?Fitness First三個Hardcore課程又有咩分別?不如等Fitness First Instructor Eric同Carla同大家簡單介紹一下啦!提提大家,8月5-11日期間,分店都會舉辦Hardcore Series Challenge,大家記得參加啦!  睇完想免費試玩Hardcore Series? 立即登記啦:http://bit.ly/2MghY0X  【What is Hardcore?】 Members often wonder what Hardcore Series is about, and what we train in a Hardcore class? Fitness First Hardcore Champion Eric and Instructor Carla are going to tell you more about Hardcore Series!  We are launching the Hardcore Series Challenge in our clubs during 5-11 August. Come and join us!  Want to try our Hardcore class? Register for free trial now : http://bit.ly/2MghY0X   #FitnessFirstHK #GymInHongKong #Hardcore #HardcoreSeriesChallenge' 

Tags: fitness , hardcore , FitnessFirstHK , GyminHongKong , HardcoreSeriesChallenge

See also: male model , Bikini fitness , men s fashion , iMovie , photoshop , posture , 健身教練 , pilates workout , basketball , 成熟女人
