'【Les Mills Launch Q3】'

'【Les Mills Launch Q3】 時裝要換季,課程都一樣!話咁快Les Mills Launch已經嚟到Q3啦!今次嘅主題係Les Mills Launch with Flying Colors,顧名思義唔同課程都有佢嘅代表色,各位參加者可以配搭繽紛嘅運動服去參加呢個盛會啦!你仲可以帶同一位非會員參加!9月2-8日,7間分店,全新音樂同編舞,我哋約定你!更多詳情,請繼續密切留意我哋嘅社交平台!  Fashion changes every season, and so do our Les Mills classes! For the new releases this quarter, we are celebrating the Flying Colours of each programme. You can dress up to match the colour theme of your favourite classes, and bring along a non-member friend to join the fun! From 2nd – 8th September, across 7 of our Hong Kong clubs, come and experience the great new music and choreography. Stay tuned for more details!' 

Tags: #lesmills , #FitnessFirstHK , #GymInHongKong , #LesMillsLaunch

See also: ci , military , how to lose weight , fitness and health , sexy , body workout , yoga , Dance , banner design in photoshop , dance fitness

