'Keep the weight on the front leg, only using the back leg for balance. Push through the heel and hip on the front leg as you lower down and stand back up.   Hinge through the hips and aim for the nose being over the toes. If you keep your torso too vertical, you will have too much pressure on the back leg. This makes the movement less efficient and more likely to cause knee pain.   Placing a foam roller in front of the front leg can give you instant feedback regarding position during the movement. If the knee falls too far away from the roller, there is too much pressure on the back leg. Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and don’t be afraid you subscribe to EBM’s channel. It will probably be the smartest thing you do all day.  = = = = =  Check out more information about EBM Fitness Solutions by clicking here: http://www.ebmfitnesssolutions.com  = = = = =  Grab your FREE copy of the 7-Day Strength and Mobility Reboot. Bulletproof your body, boost performance and make pain-free progress to getting strong. Download by click here: https://pages.ebmfitnesssolutions.com/7-day-strength-and-mobility-reboot  = = = = =  Short on time and need ways to get more efficient workouts? Check out EBM’s 9 Strategies To Get More Out Of Less Time In The Gym. Download your FREE copy here: https://ebmfitnesssolutions.lpages.co/9-strategies-for-getting-more-out-of-less-time-in-the-gym/  = = = = =  Are you dealing with any shoulder or neck pain? Check out EBM’s Ultimate Posture Guide to help get you back on track. Download your FREE copy here: https://ebmfitnesssolutions.lpages.co/the-ultimate-posture-guide/' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , lunges , personaltraining , back lunge , ebmfitness , ebm fitness solutions , ebmfitnesssolutions

See also: thigh workout , graphic design , how , Chef , �Lean , movies , DU , outfit , vegan meal prep , 年轻女孩
