'The World Health Organization recommends 60 minutes of moderate to intense workouts for teens each day. However, a new study from England’s Oxford University challenges that thought on the basis of the adage, “less is more.” Oxford researchers found 20 minutes of strenuous exercise is more effective for children and teens. “You do need to get hot and sweaty - you do need to get breathless.” said Dr. Alex Jones, the study’s lead author. Inside Edition Digital’s Stephanie Officer explains.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , SPORTS , sweat , teens , england , children , inside edition , inside_edition , ie health , CBS News , intense workouts , IE Newsdesk , World Health Organization , Oxford Brookes University , Stephanie Officer , sam burden , dr. alex jones
See also: trainer , Easy recipe , save animals , 5 minute workout , musculation , Dominick Nicolai , 2017 , Фитнес , dds discount shop with me , tutorial �