'Fitness First - BioScore'

'BioScore是我們的健康及健身評估工具,結果可以與你的真實年齡作比較,並顯示你的實際生理年齡到底是幾歲。  BioScore評估經由合資格的教練陪同下進行,透過你的身體健康情況、生活方式和體能狀況等三個領域進行評估,從而得知你的生理年齡比真實年齡是稍大或是更年輕,藉由這個測試,你可以知道你身體那個部位需要加強運動,進而慢慢使自己達到理想的生理年齡。  更多詳情,請看: https://www.fitnessfirst.com.hk/zh-HK/bioscore/  BioScore is our health and fitness assessment which tells you how old you are biologically in comparison to your actual age.   The assessment, conducted by a trained BioScore Trainer, looks at your health, lifestyle and physical fitness levels and for each test, it will assess whether your result is making your BioScore older or younger so you can easily see the areas you need to work on in order to start turning back the clock!  For more information: https://www.fitnessfirst.com.hk/en-GB/bioscore/' 

Tags: fitness , Lifestyle , Health , BioScore , FitnessFirstHK

See also: total body workout , 攝影 , calories , women s fitness , Female Fitness Model , homeworkout , K fe , casual outfits , PE , Gym Workout Songs

