'Happy Sunday! We are now six weeks post op which means I\'m nearly at full recovery and ready to share all of the details from my breast augmentation! Remember this isn\'t to advertise plastic surgery, just to share my experience! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions I missed! Enjoy the video and don\'t forget to like and subscribe x Dr Nassab: https://www.rezanassab.com Scar gel: https://www.superdrug.com/Skin/Scar-Creams-and-Oils/KELO-COTE®-Clinically-Proven-Silicone-Scar-Gel-UV-15g/p/778677?gclid=CjwKCAjwjtOTBhAvEiwASG4bCH8BVKohiR-wBoVYRpm6sYBevgHQrykNj6qVxDbKG8UVTPUILLWyiRoCk7AQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds'
See also: strength , how , motivation deutsch , morning yoga , indian army , Cooking , weight loss transformation , try on haul , home , tan