'For more information on hip and groin rehabilitation and exercises visit: http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/rehabilitation-exercises/hip-groin-exercises and for more information on knee pain visit: http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/sport-injuries/knee-pain The figure four stretch is used to strengthen the hip rotators, the athlete lies on their front with the leg to be stretched bent and the ankle under the other thigh. The athlete then lifts the bent knee as high as possible.'
Tags: knee pain , rehabilitation , hip pain , HIP EXERCISE , figure 4 lift , pain in the hip , figure 4 exercise , figure 4 groin , figure four stretch , figure four exercise , figure four lift
See also: fitnessmodel , outfit idea , short , 好身材 , exercise , healthy , at home workout , 豐滿的 , get fit , Dinner