'FREE Video - Best Isometric Exercises for your Core http://www.criticalbench.com/bestcore Erin Stern is a 2x Ms Figure Olympia Champion and current Bikini competitor. Her core is strong, defined and impressive to look at....THIS ab video features Erin\'s favorite exercises for her core / abs. Design your workout with these exercises for amazing results! Erin shows you exactly how she trains to build champion level stomach and core muscles! It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to increase core strength or to lean up and ‘get abs’, the crunch is an ineffective exercise that actually provides no function to the body. The crunch is not a natural movement and it\'s FAR from getting you that STRONG core, yet it somehow became popular for decades and it’s still used in nearly every gym across the world. Your core isn’t just a ‘six-pack’. Your core is a complex series of muscles, extending far beyond your abs, including everything besides your arms and legs. It is incorporated in almost every movement of the human body. When most people go to execute their \"core strength workouts\", they tend to focus on nothing more than the all too common movements of simple crunches and leg raises. While many exercises do have their place in a complete core routine, the truth is that your core actually extends way beyond these surface level muscles. If you really want to improve core strength and get that strong six pack and perform as effectively as possible, you\'ve got to incorporate exercises like this in your weekly routine. Thanks for watching and have a great day! Please give this video a Thumbs Up, don\'t forget to Subscribe for more videos like this and leave us comments or questions below. We\'d love to hear from you!! #abexercises #erinstern #criticalbench #sixpackabs #abs #core #stomachvacuum #corestrengtheningworkout #isometricexercises #medballworkout #tonedabs #abworkout #health #exercises #fitness'
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