'Flutter Fitness mobile app for ios or android. I created a fitness application that easy to understand and applied clean code in writing. Feel free to develop this app by yourself. I created 2 screens namely IntroductionScreen and DashboardScreen which use FL Chart library for charts and Syncfusion Flutter Gauges. Source Code : - https://github.com/gilangarinata/flutter_fitness_app Credit for Inspiration : - https://dribbble.com/shots/14125907-Fitness-Mobile-App-UX-UI-Design/attachments/5749269?mode=media Background Music : - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPrQnIZvcTY (Sape Instrument Music Borneo) Software Used : - Android Studio - Xcode IOS Simulator (Optional) Editing Software : - Adobe Premiere Pro PC Used : - Macbook Pro MD101 mid 2012 RAM 16 GB, SSD 256GB Social Media : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gilang.arinata/ GitHub : https://github.com/gilangarinata Thanks for watching! Make sure to like + Subscribe For More!'
Tags: Design , fitness , ios , Java , Android , react , web , iPad , coding , python , Programming , code , ux , UI , android studio , flutter , ui ux , kotlin , react native , Xcode , clean code , dart , speed code
See also: workout songs , dds discounts no budget shopping spree , 芭蕾 , bikini model , ZUMBA , fashion show , Beach , dubai , News , kickboxing