'This is how to synchronize your smartphone with your LifeFitness ICG based group exercise bike console.  This video also begins to explain the ICG training app and Coach-by-Color as well.    Please leave any additional questions in the comments below and maybe we\'ll make another video about it!  If you like the video give it a \'Thumbs up\' and make sure you Subscribe to stay up to date on the latest product demos and tutorials.' 

Tags: smartphone , spin bike , lifefitness , connecting , icg , pfe , Precision Fitness Equipment , lf , IC6 , LifeFitness ICG , Console Setup , Connecting the Console , group exercise bike , LF Console

See also: lingayat nikitesh , sexy , Gymnastics , tiktok , Train , Well , Fitness Training , e Pilates , zen dude fitness , fashion week
