'His & Hers Health & Fitness Trick or Treat Tabata'

'Here\'s a quick 12 minute workout you can do anywhere!  Repeat it twice for a complete 24-minute workout Pumpkins are optional (just for fun for Halloween).  Tabata 1 2/2/2/2 Lower Body Squat Jumps Jumping Lunges Plyo Lateral Lunges Squat Lunge Squat Lunge Jumps  Tabata 2 2/2/2/2 Upper Body Push-ups Mountain Climbers Diamond or Close Grip Push-ups Spider Mountain Climbers  Tabata 3 2/2/2/2 Full Body Pumpkin Press/Squat & Overhead Press Pumpkin Swings/DB Swing holding each end Pumpkin Jack O\'Lanterns/Alternate Forward Lunges w/DB Twist  Download your FREE Triple Threat Workout here - https://hisandhershealthandfitness.lpages.co/free-triple-threat-workout/  Visit www.hisandhershealthandfitness.com for more workout and nutrition tips as well as get your FREE 30 minute Success Session!' 

See also: keto , photo , fit , low impact , how , size and symmetry , gains , dance fitness , lose weight , arthur Morgan

