'Navy Seal Fitness Challenge Chicago 2008'

'Navy Seal Fitness Challenge Chicago 2008 Featuring scenes from Detroit 2008 this video shows the Navy SEAL Fitness Challenge, a triathlon-like event, that utilized the five components of the NSW\'s Physical Screening Test (PST) that candidates must pass to start SEAL training and attracted participants and spectators from diverse demographics. http://ihighmarketing.com/ Video Produced by ProsperMG.com' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , Health , challenge , marketing , chicago , united states navy seals (military combatant) , Seals , Recruitment (Industry) , ihigh

See also: SPORT , thigh workout , booty workout , nikitesh lingayat , shop with me , menswear , vin , TV , bikini body , army फ़िज़िकल अकैडम�

