'A great family workout mums and moms fitness. Dads can join in too! Exercise for kids fun and fitness! A kids workout at home so kids stay or get fit and improve their strength and agility. With variations for adults, easier options and more challenging options for those that want that little bit more. This is a replay of our LIVE streamed class on Friday 8th May. We are holding union jacks and celebrating national VE day and saying Thank you to all those who served us here in Britain! Check out the other episodes here: Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness at Home (GET SUPER FIT WITH YOUR KIDS)/EPISODE 1 https://youtu.be/LX6RGv9n5L0 Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness (GET SUPER TONED UP WITH YOUR KIDS)/EPISODE 2 https://youtu.be/jvUV2tYr72w Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness (BE A SUPER FIT FAMILY)/EPISODE 3 https://youtu.be/jJFPnx9QweM Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness (FEEL AMAZING + GET FIT TOGETHER )/EPISODE 4 https://youtu.be/CGcfYFqLlv8 Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness/EPISODE 5/Friday 24th April https://youtu.be/myBV0hHts3M Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness (GET FIT TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR KIDS!)/EPISODE 6/Friday 1st May https://youtu.be/hrVVKsURgws Family Workout Mums and Kids Fitness / VE DAY SPECIAL/EPISODE 7 https://youtu.be/KEQRAkeHI7g'
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