'http://www.nourishmovelove.com/ 7 low-impact, sculpting glider disc exercises in the form of a 30-minute barre workout you can do at home. SCULPTING GLIDER DISC BARRE WORKOUT EQUIPMENT: a medium set of dumbbells {5-10 lbs} and glider disc {or substitute dish towels on hard wood floor or paper plates on carpet}. INSTRUCTIONS: Perform each exercise for 10 repetitions, per side as needed, followed by a 30 second break. Then perform each exercise for 8 repetitions, then 6 repetitions…continue this format working your way down from 10 repetitions per exercise to 2 repetition per exercise {dropping 2 reps per set}. You’ll repeat each exercise x 5 sets for a total of 30 repetitions per exercise. 1. Ab Crawler 2. Plank to Low Lunge + Shoulder Raise 3. Lateral Lunge + Narrow Squat Double Curl 4. Back Fly + Tricep Kick Toe Glide 5. Curtsy Lunge + L-Fly 6. Chest Fly Push Up 7. Boat Pose Heel Sliders **See video for complete workout and proper exercise form. ***This workout is a sponsored post in partnership with Lumē Deodorant {http://lumedeodorant.com/?utm_source=nourishmovelove&utm_medium=video&utm_content=barreworkout}. All words and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Nourish Move Love and all the content you see on this site possible. For more exercises and workouts you can do anywhere, visit the Nourish Move Love Blog at: http://www.nourishmovelove.com/'
Tags: fitness , low impact , exercise , at home workout , workout for women , 30 minute workout , low impact workout , barre workout , at home barre workout , barre fitness , barre , women's health , glider disc , glider disc workout , Nourish Move Love , Barre strength training , Lume Deodorant
See also: 28 , ENTERTAINMENT , homeworkout , male model , body building , Eat , club , youtuber , exercise , lean