'Navy Seal Situp Test'

Posted May 25, 2022

'http://www.garagewarrior.com  In this Warrior Workout Wednesday Tyler Bramlett teaches you the Navy Seal Situp Test. For this workout you have 2 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. Please watch the video to find out how many reps you should aim for and what the form requirements are.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFwQ-XR87Ig&feature=plcp https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGarageWarrior' 

Tags: Test , Workout , Garage , warrior , situp , Navy , Seal

See also: drive ins , Posing , �Get , Red Dead Redemption 2 , Weapon Customization , television , boxing , News , say , beginner
