'At my heaviest of 315 lbs, no one told me that I could hike, paddleboard, surf or even become a fitness coach. In fact, most people thought it was impossible...and truthfully, there was a part of me that thought that too. At the time, I wasn\'t seeing other women my size doing the cool things that I wanted to at least try. But in 2015, I decided to become the woman that I wanted to see in all of the Instagram posts. A woman who was curvy, strong and courageous enough to take on the world. Today, I\'m not only living my life to its fullest...doing ALL the things, but helping women all across the map achieve THEIR level of success. Helping women love the skin their in while reaching THEIR goals and transforming their lives from the inside out regardless of size. Welcome to page here at Kanoa Greene If you would like to learn more about my Virtual Gym email me at [email protected] SUBJECT : Ready Video : courtesy of Why Nots https://whynots.io'
Tags: body positive , Plus size , plus size fitness , transformation journey , plus size positivity , plus size paddleboard , plus size surfing , plus size hiking
See also: cardio workout , work , drive ins , 28 , SPORTS , meal prep , banners ad , diners drive ins and dives , purplestar , podcast