'Every day, we encounter things that make us feel stressed or unhappy.  We know from experience and science that negativity does not work in our favor.  It elevates cortisol levels and makes us feel defeated before we\'ve even started to contemplate taking any action steps to help ourselves.  Rather than going down the habitual paths we have that end up using a lot of energy and feel hard or negative (e.g. working harder, avoiding a problem/conflict, being more neurotic, pleasing others to win favor but building resentment in ourselves), we can learn new skills to access a wiser part of ourselves that knows how to take positive action.  We know about physical fitness, but what about mental fitness?  We can actually build our mental muscles by reprogramming our hard-drive.  This video introduces Shirzad Chamine\'s concept of Accept or Convert: a proven strategy to turn any situation or circumstance into a gift or opportunity. Both of these options serve you and lead to sustainable well-being!' 

Tags: positive affirmations , Self Healing , reprogram your mind , mental fitness training , mental fitness exercises , power of positive thinking , reprogram your subconscious mind , reprogramming the subconscious mind , mental fitness motivation , positive psychology exercises , positive psychology coaching , positive psychology crash course , shirzad chamine , mental fitness meditation , positive psychology techniques , making positive changes in your life , positive psychology videos

See also: breakfast , meal prep for muscle gain , nike , military , emperor , Health , stretch , home gym , Signature Series , fitness for kids
