'Get our vegan meal plan recipes here: https://fitmencook.com/vegan-meal-plan/ Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or just someone who is adventurous and likes to try new stuff from time to time, this meal plan is for you because the food is delicious, nourishing and completely plant-based. Today we have a highly requested high protein vegan meal plan. Many of us are introducing more plant-based meals into our weekly meal plans. I recently convinced my dad to go vegan to help clear up a lot of his health issues and in just 4 months he\'ll lost close to 40 pounds. The vegan diet plan is perfect for weight loss and it\'s healthy! What a perfect combination. Get our vegan meal plan and grocery list above. Enjoy the video and let me know what you think about it in the comments below. :) ►GET A WEEKLY VEGAN MEAL PLAN INSIDE THE MEALPREPPRO APP: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1249805978?pt=99654804&ct=FMC%20Vegan%20Meal%20Plan%20YouTube&mt=8 Fit Men Cook Android app: http://bit.ly/fmcandroid Fit Men Cook iOS app: http://bit.ly/fmcapple For more vegan recipes subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/fitmencook?sub_confirmation=1 Camera: • Sony a7 s2: http://amzn.to/2j0Z1xm • Produced by: me, FitMenCook :) Vlogging Camera: • Sony RX100 M5: http://amzn.to/2ibTvrf • Produced by: me, FitMenCook :) ***FRESH BEATS WANTED: If you are a producer or creator and would like for me to use your music, please email me at: [email protected]. ► FOLLOW me on social: INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/fitmencook FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/fitmencook TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/fitmencook BLOG: http://www.fitmencook.com SNAPCHAT: @fitmencook Join my Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bivKd1'
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