'True CS Touchscreen Treadmill Calibrate Configure'

'How to Calibrate and Configure the elevation and speed on the TRUE CS Series with a 1st generation touchscreen console using the hidden button to access the maintenance / diagnostic menu. TRUE Fitness CS500, CS550, CS600, CS850, CS900 To enter Maintenance Menu:  1. Tap and Hold top left corner until the TRUE logo starts flashing. 2.  Tap and Hold the Manual Workout button at bottom right Visit http://www.treadmilldoctor.com/repair-help. for more.' 

Tags: Fitness (Media Genre) , treadmill , Fitness Professional (Profession) , How-to (Website Category) , technician

See also: Kids exercise , Seal , Gym Workout Songs , clean eating , die , tiktok , dumbbell workout , off � , meal prep for muscle gain , to �

