'https://fitdir.com/true-fitness-fuse-0400-inner-outer-thigh/ The True Fitness FUSE-4000 Weight Assisted Chin / Dip. Offering modern styling, high-quality construction, and superior movements, the FUSE-4000 Weight Assisted Chin/Dip is designed to meet the demands of today’s commercial fitness facilities and is the perfect complement to any selectorized circuit. The FUSE-0400 Inner/Outer Thigh Machine is a space and cost-efficient addition to the FUSE-XL line, serving a dual function to exercise both adductor and abductor muscles. Modern and comprehensive strength conditioning series designed to meet the space and performance demands of today’s fitness facilities. The True Fitness FUSE-0400 Inner / Outer Thigh user-friendly features and performance will appeal to a wide variety of users. USER AMENITIES Step-by-step exercise chart with easy to follow user instructions Accessory Tray with Cup Holder Integrated Towel Holder #FitnessDirect Music: Tropical Traveller [Original Mix] by Del. is licensed under a Creative Commons License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Support by RFM - NCM: https://bit.ly/2xGHypM'
Tags: outer thigh , Fitness Direct , True Fitness FUSE-0400 Inner , fitness direct inner outer thigh , inner outer thigh machine , outer thight machine , fuse 0400 , fitness direct fuse 0400 , fitness direct outer thigh machine
See also: Signature Series , Dinner , 5 er , weightloss , video , cardio barre , sub , keto , gesundheit , yoga workout