'Hey there. Thanks for tuning in. Today\'s episode features a great friend and mentor of mine Dan Witmer. Dan is co-founder of a growing community called Zen Dude Fitness where they teach how to get healthy both physically and mentally through proper nutrition and jump rope fitness. This group has been the catalyst of getting me to where I am today in both a mental space and physically. Since Feb of 2016 I\'ve lost 30lbs and changed the way I perceive fitness and mindset. Even though there are still daily struggles personally I\'ve found that a quick 20-minute jumprope workout get my Blood pumping, gets my brain focused and drives me through the rest of the day. When I don\'t get a workout in Innotoce a huge difference in my mental space. This is where Dan comes in. He has his own struggles with social anxiety, depression and A.D.D. related issues. We discuss his beginnings and what got him into this fitness space. This is also a third take on the recording as we have had some crazy technical issues. But that\'s neither here nor there. Really hope you enjoy this discussion and if you\'re insured to want to join the community you can dig up for a free 4-week challenge at www.zenddudefitness.com. Also follow Dan on Instagram @dwitmer & @zendudefitness as well as their ever growing YouTube channel Zen Dude Fitness where they have hours of free workouts.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmYew1VwdbpHnSFG-CQ1A-A   https://www.zendudefitness.com       contact me at wyzguymedia@gmail.com' 

See also: Fitness Training , full body workout at home , bodypower , Calorie burn , leg day , Celebrity , get fit , meal planning , �workout � , 11
